Thursday 9 June 2011

apostille service in india

"Learning to grow..,Growing to lead..."

"Y"SQUARE  ATTESTATIONS   is one of the largest document processing companies in India. Headquartered in Trivandrum, India,   We are engaged in every aspect of the document Attestation/Appostille (LEGALIZATION) industry, Including State HRD and State Home Dept.Attestation,

"Y" SQUARE ATTESTATIONS also handling Private educational Certificates/Marriage/Birth/Death/Divorce/Commercial documents etc... And we provide these services for documents originating all over the world.
We are offering you a reliable and fastest service.

Branches in Mumbai,Delhi

Opening Shortly- Chennai,Bangaluru,Kolkata and Hyderabad,Kumbanadu.


The Apostille Convention only applies if both the country where the public document was issued and the country where the public document is to be used are parties to the Convention. A comprehensive and updated list of the countries where the Apostille Convention applies, or will soon apply, is available here.
The Status table of the Apostille Convention has two parts: the first part lists countries that have joined the Apostille Convention and are also Members of the Hague Conference the second part lists countries that have joined the Apostille Convention but are not Members of the Hague Conference. In other words, a country does not need to be a Member of the Hague Conference to be party to the Apostille Convention.
When checking the Status table of the Apostille Convention, always keep the following in mind:
  • Check if both the country where the public document was issued and the country where the document is to be used are listed in either part of the Status table.
  • It does not matter whether a country appears in the first or the second part of the Status table — the Convention applies equally to Members and non- Members of the Organisation.
  • Check the date of entry into force of the Convention for both countries. — only after that date can the relevant country issue and receive Apostilles.
  • There are different ways for a country to become a party to the Convention (ratification, accession, succession or continuation), but these differences have no impact on how the Convention operates in a country.
  • If one of the countries has acceded to the Convention, check that the other country has not objected to that accession
Public documents, such as birth certificates, judgments, patents or notarial attestations (acknowledgments) of signatures, frequently need to be used abroad. However, before a public document can be used in a country other than the one that issued it, its origin must often be authenticated. The traditional method for authenticating public documents to be used abroad is called legalization and consists of a chain of individual authentications of the document. This process involves officials of the country where the document was issued as well as the foreign Embassy or Consulate of the country where the document is to be used. Because of the number of authorities involved, the legalization process is frequently slow, cumbersome and costly.


"Y" Square Attestation Services,
Tc 24/1083, Room No-3,  
Shamees Building,  Church Lane,
Near W & C Govt. Hospital
Thycaud,  Trivandrum – 14
 +91471 - 401 32 23

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